

I remember I was beside my wife back then when she was given the news that the company she’s working for is ceasing their operations here in the Philippines. We were all in shock, and to those who have experienced this, you know that the rest of the week will be surreal.

Sudden changes in life in general comes as a shock, and it takes its toll, whether physically, or mentally, it literally drains your energy for the days. When that happens you got to stop what you are doing, close your eyes, and breathe in. Keep reminding yourself to not worry, because reality will be knocking every moment of the day, the reality of “What now?”. And it will be like that for the next couple of days.

I was reading the story of Elijah at the part where he wanted to die, but instead, God gave him a good rest and warm food to eat. After that he had the energy to continue on his mission. You can find that in 1 Kings 19:4-8

So finish up what you need to finish, tie up loose ends. After all is settled, go take a break, find quiet time for yourself, schedule that chat with a friend, pick up a hobby. Rest and recover and one day you will wake up with the energy to explore.

Whenever something bad happens to me, I always remember this promise from the Bible: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

You have to trust God in this process, He has made you with skills and determination to make it in life. And the closing of a chapter allows the possibilities of a better one to come! Yes, fear comes from worry, but there is also fear that comes before an exhilarating leap of faith.

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