• Beautiful Wedding Photo

    What Posing Cues Teach Us During Quarantine

    The past few weeks of quarantine is giving me a bad case of cabin fever. I’m starting to talk to my plants now, and they have suggested that I make good use of my time and start archiving my photos and edit my backlogs. You know what, I’m a pretty impressionable guy so I get right to it. So while looking back at some of the wedding photos, especially the moments we pose you for your portrait shots as a couple, I remember the instructions I would coach you for the poses. As I go through each one, I realize that the instructions are teaching me a thing or two…

  • Happy Family Photo

    To Win the Battle, Begin at Home.

    Truly scary times we live in, you know, 2020 hasn’t really been kind to us these few months, and with this virus going around, most of us would rather be staying at home. Such a drastic change in lifestyle I believe, especially in how you spend this time that’s suddenly in abundance. With much spare time in our hands I think it is a good opportunity to refocus, especially on how we spend it. While work still needs to be done, some companies are able to allow work at home arrangements, and also with the quarantine going on, that leaves us with a lot of extra time that we used…