
Jed and Lalaine Prenup – Through the Journey

Every day we each take a new step in our own lives, yet one day our paths will converge with another and it becomes a journey.
When two individuals decide to take on a journey together, they realize that the problems will still be the same but the weight of it is halved,
the victories will require the same hard work but the celebrations multiplied. The economy of a relationship is way different from the ones we learn in school.

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you;
he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Deutronomy 31:8

I admire couples who decide to sacrifice convenience for a more unique prenup adventure, not only does it offer new sights and possibilities,
it also creates a bond between them and their team, something that transcends the client-supplier relationship.
So when they decided on for a Taal Volcano Prenup, it was a definite “Yes!”
They wanted their prenup to reflect the story of their relationship together, little did we know that it wasn’t an easy one!
Nevertheless, while Jed and Lalaine enjoyed the energy we poured into this shoot, we all enjoyed their care throughout the trip and back.

MUA: Keith Christian
Stylist: Isho Lampa
Video: Rommel Nicolas

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