
John Maxwell in Manila

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0163

It was a great opportunity to cover a speaking engagement of none other than John Maxwell, someone who I look up to and whose books have inspired me. What makes this event special is the context behind it. In a rare occasion John Maxwell delivers his talk in Manila in front of one of the largest gathering of police, military and agents along with their respective leaders, a branch of the government that holds a strong leadership potential. With the presidential elections coming up, the need to find an excellent and authentic leader is ever more crucial. John reminds his listeners of the need to be intentional in leading one self, others and making more quality leaders.

Get to know more about John Maxwell, his passion and his mission in

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0114

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0094

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0109

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0099

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0122

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0095

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0130

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0149

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0169

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0167 A

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0179

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0186

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0190

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0198

John Maxwell in Manila - D7L_0214