Beautiful Wedding Photo

What Posing Cues Teach Us During Quarantine

The past few weeks of quarantine is giving me a bad case of cabin fever. I’m starting to talk to my plants now,
and they have suggested that I make good use of my time and start archiving my photos and edit my backlogs.
You know what, I’m a pretty impressionable guy so I get right to it.

Plant Photo

So while looking back at some of the wedding photos, especially the moments we pose you for your
portrait shots as a couple, I remember the instructions I would coach you for the poses.
As I go through each one, I realize that the instructions are teaching me a thing or two about how we can
deal with this quarantine and our general outlook these coming days.
It’s interesting how it fits, so bear with me.

Prenup Stars

Let’s start with the basic two, oh, and if you’ve been my wedding couple you’d definitely
remember me saying these. Here goes.

Nothing says L-O-V-E more than husband and wife looking lovingly into each other’s eyes, on a hot day,
after a long ceremony, a little bit hungry and ready for the reception. Don’t forget to smile!

Glamour Wedding

Since we’re basically stuck at home these days, have you looked into the eyes of your partner?
Have you checked on each other lately? Some stress don’t show up until you dig deep.
Maybe a little attention to each other can bring a little uplifting of the spirits.
Don’t forget to smile and say “We’ll be okay”.

Hong Kong Prenup

I’ve seen and done this countless of times, couples looking into the far unknown, usually with a sunset backdrop,
ready for what the future holds! Dirty dishes, sleepless nights, and sometimes in-laws… bring it on!

Glamour Wedding

Despite what we are all experiencing, looking forward to the day this is all over gives us hope.
Oh, one thing about this pose is you’d have to look at the same thing, otherwise it’s just weird.
Talk about what you’re looking forward to… maybe to enjoy a walk in the park? Visit your favorite cafe?
Or just go out of town? Align your hopes.

Prenup Sunset

Body language plays a huge part in what makes a pose work, one such body language is simply
holding on to each other. It sends a “we can do this together”, “stand strong forever”, “nothings gonna stop us”
message to the viewer. And if I may insert a bible verse too, it says:

“Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.”

Glamour Wedding

So hold on to each other, lean on each other, find comfort in the one beside you. If you’re a hugger, by all means, hug!
You know, sometimes a hug can speak more than a well crafted answer.

Prenup Detail

A genuine laughter speaks volumes in a photo, it will remind you how happy you were on that wedding day,
and also sort of a barometer for how happy you will be for years to come! I would often joke with my couples
on how confident they can make each other laugh. One bride actually said she would already be laughing
even while the groom is midway through a joke… I see a bright future for them.

Spunky Wedding

Now even more than ever, laughter can really be a medicine for the troubled soul. Oh don’t belittle your
ability to make someone laugh, I’m sure you have it in you, you just have to try. Here’s a tip,
remind each other of a funny moment, or maybe a crazy idea you have for the future.
I believe that while a hug soothes the soul, laughter is the elixir that gives life.

Wedding Portrait

This one is more like a catalyst to other posing instructions, it allows the couple to readjust their focus
during the wedding day and remind them that, at last, they’re married, they have each other.
I see more relaxed shoulders, deeper looks into each other’s eyes that sometimes they forget
about us their wedding team. For a few minutes, we get the most beautiful emotions.

Wedding Candid

With the quarantine happening, it is annoying that we cannot go out as freely as we would want to.
On the other hand, isn’t it a blessing that we are forced to stay at home with our loved ones?
Learn, I say LEARN to enjoy each other’s company, if the years have built a wall between the two of you,
try to take it down bit by bit. Talk, learn more about each other again, now’s the best time really.
Even if we aren’t in this crisis, if you’re not making ways to enjoy each other’s company, you’re really
missing out on what married life has to offer.

Prenup Photo

So there, thank you for making it all the way to here, I sincerely hope these posing cues help you during
these troubling and boring times, and I hope you keep doing it even after this is all done.
You may enjoy your marriage more.

By the way, if you haven’t given me your selection of photos for your album now is the best time to do it.
Can’t decide on which photos to pick? Work on it together with your spouse.
Don’t go asking your plants like I did.