Market Bananas


I was staring at these bananas while taking some photos in the marketplace, and I was thinking to myself: “Wow, they look soooo nice….”. Photographer brain quickly kicked in and reminded me that it is because of the morning light hitting it at the right angle.

The more I looked at it, the more I thought about how the right light brings out the colors, shape, and texture of something. It generally elevates an image! Did I mention RIGHT LIGHT? I think a lot of things in this world are beautifully made, including you and me. And there is this figurative light that, when we step into it, brings out that beauty, vibrance, and joy in a life that would have otherwise remained unseen, if we were to stay in the shadows.

Just like how I noticed those bananas, the ones in the light are the ones catching my attention, and the buyer’s attention for sure. Let us catch this light that is portrayed in the Bible, and start living life the way you’re made to be. “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”” John 8:12

Follow Jesus, and live like a backlit banana…….

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