
The Gift of Platinum

In these days when the world doesn’t take marriages seriously, it is not surprising to hear of divorce, infidelity, and couples who simply give up on their promise for each other. Whether you believe in the sanctity of marriage or not, seeing someone you know to have their marriage break down is truly sad.

But in spite all of this, there are rare, yes, truly rare stories of those that last! 25 Years? Not bad. 50 Years? That’s pretty good, but how about 70 years?

Yes you read it right 70 years! You might look at your partner and ask your self: “Will we be able to make it 70 years?”.

To put that in perspective, assuming you are to live to your nineties, to reach 70 years you’d have to be married in your twenties! That also assumes the two of you still alive by then, healthy, awake, and most importantly, happy.

A little real talk here, I don’t think most of us are gonna reach that long, one may go earlier than we’d like, and that’s just the realistic possibility. So while we do our best to make marriage last, we also do our best to make each day count. I recently read a post in facebook that goes like this:

For couples so eager to call it quits after the infatuation wears off, to throw in the towel on your relationship because everything isn’t ‘perfect’…here is some food for thought.
Lifelong commitment is not what most people think it is. It’s not waking up every morning to make breakfast and eat together. It’s not cuddling in bed until both of you fall asleep.

– It’s not a clean home, filled with laughter and love making every day.

– It’s someone who steals all the covers, and snores, it’s slammed doors and a few harsh words at times.

– It’s stubbornly disagreeing and giving each other the silent treatment until your hearts heal, and then offering forgiveness.

– It’s coming home to the same person every day that you know loves and cares about you in spite of, and because of, who you are.

– It’s laughing about the one time you accidentally did something stupid.

– It’s about dirty laundry and unmade beds.

– It’s about helping each other with the hard work of life.

– It’s about swallowing the nagging words instead of saying them out loud.

– It’s about eating the easiest meal you can make and sitting down together at a late hour because you both had a crazy day.

– It’s when you have an emotional breakdown and your love lays down with you and holds you, and tells you everything is going to be okay. And you believe them.

– It’s about still loving someone even though sometimes they make you absolutely insane.

Loving someone isn’t always easy, sometimes it’s hard. But it is amazing and comforting and one of the best things you will ever experience.

Okay, so what did I learn from the my experience with this family? Here it is…

If ever you are fortunate to make it through numerous years in your marriage, remember that to live to a good life is an achievement. To live a long good marriage, with loving and successful children and grandchildren. It is a gift. And who do we thank for that? I’d credit that to the one giver of love and life, God.

Enjoy the photos!